Monday, March 29, 2010

roundup of roundups

Over at Pink Line, Philippa posts links to recent examples of DC-centric arts writing--including a CP piece on breaking into DC art circles with Vincent Gallegos...and an anti-conceptual art essay presented in connection with this otherwise fabulous show. (Are we really still having this conversation? Really? Sigh.)

MAN, Tyler spends an uncharacteristic amount of time picking apart recent Post arts coverage as only Tyler can. He also runs a letter from Julian Bond and John Anderson re: Philip Kennicott's pro-Pew take on Art of the Steal, the documentary explaining why the Barnes collection will be moving from Merion, PA to Philadelphia...and why Albert Barnes might be rising from his grave any minute now to consume Derek Gillman's brains. (Read the NYT's take on the film here.)

One unrelated link: Kriston Capps has a review of Mia Feuer's recent show at Transformer in Artforum. Read it

Kriston, dude, you know I'm a fan...but this piece is a little less readable than I'm used to from you:

Best understood as a casual sketch, and as a passive piece that considers compositional ideas that have typically been cast as gallant and brash, Feuer’s installation, while striving for lightness, skirts insubstantiality.

Geez. It's almost as if you were writing this for the pages of Artfo...ah, never mind.


Anonymous Franklin said...

We are really still having this conversation, and we are having it by invitation of the conceptual artists in question. Go figure.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Lenny said...

What you have missed is that Kristonius Capperunious actually sent the below to Artforum before their translator did his job in translating it from English to Artforunese:

"Clearly, just like a doodle that uses compositional ideas that try to be shocking, Feuer's installation, while trying to be funny, is just blah."

6:03 PM  

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