tonight: the end of summer; the end of dc art

Tonight at AAC, it's FIELD DAY! Sit outside on the terrace and watch (or actually compete in) a three-legged race, an egg-in-a-spoon race, other race-y events. Drink lovely cocktails. Listen to music provided by an actual living, breathing DJ. Marvel at the sponsorship of Scion, and our partnership with Pink Line.
Think of it as a closing party for ART SCOUTS, because it is. Also think of it as a farewell to summer, because it's that, too, sort of.
Daily Candy has the details. Starts at 5:30. You need to RSVP, my friend:
Other things: Start panicking. Every creative person you know in DC is leaving! Hirshhorn curator and painter Al Miner, for example, is becoming a Bostonian; Maura Judkis has the story at that newish site with the inauspicious name, TBD. I wrote about Al way back in 2007 here; Jessica weighed in on Al's inaugural show at G Fine Art's new location back in March here.
Also: Mary Coble moved to Denmark, and Iona Brown moved to New York. It's as if these people don't think that DC is the center of the international artworld or something! Geez. Now Lenny will have to scratch their names out of every single copy of his 100 DC Artists book...and will have to put a sticker over the "100" on every cover and replace it with a "97". Artists are so inconsiderate.
I know, we're only talking about three people, but I feel it's a representative sample, so I'm still comfortable asserting that every creative person is leaving/has left DC. Don't be surprised if the next opening you attend in a gallery here has absolutely no people milling around drinking cheap wine and not really looking at or buying anything.
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