Friday, February 25, 2011

yet another reason why i like the artists i like

Mariah Anne Johnson, a DC artist whose work you may have seen at Transformer and WPA, and who will be showing at AAC in SPRING SOLOS 2011 this April, has had a novel idea: She's converted the second story "sleeping porch" of her Capitol Hill rowhouse (hey, I have one of those!) into a gallery space.

Porch Projects reveals its first installment this Saturday, February 26, with A Nest, a Shell, a Corner, a Drawer--featuring art from Kendall Nordin, Leigh Davis (another SOLOS artist), and Magnolia Laurie.

My question: Why aren't more people doing this sort of thing? (Me, I'm already busy showing other people's art most of the time as it is. But the rest of you: You have no excuse! Report to your carriage houses, sleeping porches, or rented box trucks immediately.)

The opening reception lasts from 4 - 7 pm. For directions and information about visiting, e-mail Porch Projects here.

Pictured: Mariah Anne Johnson, Tornaduh, bed sheets with plastic chair, 3’ X 2’ X 2’, 2009


Blogger mj said...

Thanks Jeffry! DC definitely needs more domestic exhibition spaces: all the interested parties are not going to fit in my creaky house.

10:12 AM  

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