Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday was my final day teaching art theory at the University of Maryland--at least for the foreseeable future. It was a good day. I'm happy to say that this group of kids has been the most engaged and conscientious bunch I've had in a long time--which gives me a little pang of regret, I suppose. But only a little one.

It's been a disorienting three weeks, and the blog has been gathering dust. I've just had entirely too much on my plate, and I haven't been able to figure out where to carve out the time for writing. Now that the two-job commute has officially ended, though, I suspect this will be less of a mystery.

I have been writing for print, mind you. I've got a review of the Foto show at the National Gallery waiting to go to press--it was held this week, but will presumably run next week instead. I may take a stab at putting together a slideshow to accompany the article for the CP site, too, if time allows.

Catching up: I saw Negativland at the Warehouse Theater way back on Sunday, August 5th. Sadly, I was only able to catch the first of their two sets that evening--the show was delayed by a little over an hour due to P.A. problems.

I don't know if the show sold out or not, but the line to get in wound its way through the bar and out the door.

Although I only saw one Christianity Is Stupid t-shirt in the crowd, I felt pretty certain that I knew who the longtime fans were: They tended to be older, paunchier, balding. Occasionally bearded; often nerdy. My people.

The band provided pinata blindfolds--cheap little masks made from loops of colorful paper. Most chose not to wear them. Why the masks? Well, there wasn't so much to see, aside from the glowing On Air sign, or Mark Hosler shuffling frantically through books of CDs, or the migratory patterns of Don Joyce's tapes, which slowly made their way across the table, from left to right, as each piece of audio was played in sequence. How's that for stage presence?

The show was called It's All in Your Head FM. Its premise: Now that the death of broadcast radio appears imminent, maybe radio listening audiences--and advertisers--are ready to accept the possibility that there is no God.

The skits and speeches were the show's highlights. In one notable Firesign Theater-esque sketch, two characters attempt to shave a female chimpanzee at the National Zoo in order to show the uncanny similarities between men and monkeys. Pretty funny stuff.

As for the future: Next week I'll be on vacation--off to upstate New York again. But unlike Tyler, I won't have any celebrity guest bloggers here to entertain you.

I'll have internet access up there, and I'm definitely planning on having time on my hands. So look for some posts on current or soon-to-be-closing shows. I've been itching to do some reporting.

Final note: My band, The Object Lesson, is playing this Saturday at DC9. We go on first, so come early! Have a drink with me. Hey, playing music is the closest thing I have to a social life, so come help me make the most of it. Added bonus: Getting to watch me make loud noises with sticks.


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