you're welcome!

Over 300 people made it to see BY REQUEST in the brief two hour window of my opening reception last Friday. It was great fun. You can check out photos at Brightest Young Things in case you missed it. See 'em here.
You can also read my interview with Libby last week at BYT here...and read Mark Boyd musing on whether or not I am, in fact, God. (I already know the answer to that one...but then again, being all-seeing and all-powerful, I know everything, anyway.)
Look for Jessica Dawson's review in the WaPo by week's end.
So, look, from this point on, I'm going to stop laying BY REQUEST-related stuff on you here. I know, this blog used to cover other people's art, and I kinda liked that. Let's see if I can get back on the horse, eh?
From now on, you can go to the show's official website for updates:
Pictured: Me as TWEE, courtesy of Cory Oberndorfer. A fake artist on a fake magazine cover: I know, it's confusing.
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